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Mercy Care Advantage formulary

Mercy Care Advantage formulary
We work with a team of health care providers to choose prescription drugs for the formulary. It includes drugs we believe to be part of a quality treatment program. We generally cover drugs on the formulary when they meet these criteria:
- The drug is medically necessary
- The prescription is filled at a network pharmacy
- Other plan rules are followed
Some covered drugs may have restrictions or limits, such as prior authorization (PA) or step therapy. We may also make updates to the formulary during the year.
Find drugs on the 2025 online formulary. Or download documents related to the formulary.
2025 Mercy Care Advantage Formulary (PDF) Updated 2/2025
2025 Mercy Care Advantage Formulary Changes (PDF) 2/2025
2025 Mercy Care Advantage Prescription Drugs that Require Prior Authoriztion (PDF) Updated 2/2025
2025 Prescription Drugs That Require Step Therapy (PDF) Updated 10/2024
The service area has a robust pharmacy network. It’s easy to find in-network 2025 providers or pharmacies.
You can also learn more about prescription drug coverage by reviewing our member materials.
Providers are in the best position to identify and manage potential opioid overuse in the Medicare Part D population. New opioid policies from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) include:
- Improved safety alerts when opioid prescriptions are dispensed at the pharmacy
- Drug management programs for patients determined to be at-risk for misuse or abuse of opioids or other frequently abused drugs
People who are exempt from these interventions include those who are:
- Living in long-term care facilities
- Receiving hospice care
- Receiving palliative or end-of-life care
- Receiving treatment for active cancer-related pain
These policies shouldn’t impact access to medication-assisted treatment (MAT), such as buprenorphine.
Part D plans are expected to implement safety alerts (pharmacy claim edits) for pharmacists to review at the time of dispensing the drug to prevent unsafe utilization. CMS encourages prescribers to resolve opioid safety edits expeditiously and avoid disruption of therapy by:
- Responding to pharmacy outreach in a timely manner
- Giving the appropriate training to on-call prescribers when necessary
Opioid safety alert #1
Seven-day supply limit for opioid naïve patients (“hard edit”)
Medicare Part D patients who have not filled an opioid prescription recently (such as within the past 60 days) will be limited to a supply of 7 days or less.
Limiting the amount dispensed with the first opioid prescription may reduce the risk of a future dependency or overuse of these drugs.
Important note: This alert should not impact patients who already take opioids.
Prescriber’s role
Patient may receive up to a 7-day supply or request a coverage determination for full days’ supply as written.
The physician or other prescriber has the right to request a coverage determination on patient’s behalf, including the right to request an expedited or standard coverage determination in advance of prescribing an opioid.
Prescriber only needs to attest to plan that the days’ supply is the intended and medically necessary amount.
Subsequent prescriptions written by prescribers are not subject to the 7-day supply limit, as the patient will no longer be considered opioid naïve.
Opioid safety alert #2
Opioid care coordination alert at 90 morphine milligram equivalent (MME)
This policy will affect Medicare patients when they present an opioid prescription at the pharmacy and their cumulative MME per day across all of their opioid prescription(s) reaches or exceeds 90 MME.
Some plans use this alert only when the patient uses multiple opioid prescribers and/or opioid dispensing pharmacies.
The prescriber will be contacted to resolve the alerts and to be informed of other opioid prescribers or increasing level (MME) of opioids.
Important note: This is not a prescribing limit. Decisions to taper or discontinue prescription opioids are individualized between the patient and prescriber.
Prescriber’s role
Regardless of whether individual prescription(s) are written below the threshold, the alert will be triggered by the fill of the prescription that reaches the cumulative threshold of 90 MME or greater.
The prescriber who writes the prescription will trigger the alert and will be contacted even if that prescription itself is below the 90 MME threshold.
Once a pharmacist consults with a prescriber on a patient’s prescription for a plan year, the prescriber will not be contacted on every opioid prescription written for the same patient after that unless the plan implements further restrictions.
On the patient’s behalf, the physician or other prescriber has the right to request a coverage determination for a drug(s), including the right to request an expedited or standard coverage determination in advance of prescribing an opioid.
Opioid safety alert #3
Concurrent opioid and benzodiazepine use or duplicative long-acting opioid therapy (“soft edits”)
The alerts will trigger when opioids and benzodiazepines are taken concurrently or if on multiple duplicate long-acting opioids.
Prescriber’s role
The pharmacist will conduct additional safety reviews to determine if the patient’s opioid use is safe and clinically appropriate. The prescriber may be contacted.
Medicare Part D plans may have a DMP that limits access to opioids and benzodiazepines for members considered by the plan to be at risk for prescription drug abuse.
The goal of a DMP is better care coordination for safer use. Coverage limitations under a DMP can include:
- Requiring the patient to get these drugs from a specified prescriber and/or pharmacy
- Implementing an individualized point-of-service (POS) edit that limits the amount of covered drugs
The coverage limitation tools may be in place for 12 months and extend to another 12 months (total of 24 months).
Process for coverage limitations
- We identify potential at-risk members by opioid use that involves multiple doctors and pharmacies.
- We conduct case management and review with the prescriber.
- We notify the member in writing to explain a possible coverage limitation. We make a reasonable effort to send the prescriber a copy of the letter.
- After our 30-day review, if we determine the member is at risk and implement a limitation, we’ll send the member a second written notice confirming the limitation and its duration.
- If we limit coverage under a DMP, members and prescribers have the right to appeal our decision. You can read about Part D appeals later on this page. Or call us 1-800-624-3879 (TTY 711). Choose option 2. We’re here for you 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 days a week.
Here are some transitions we allow for new and existing members as part of the TOC:
- New members get a one-time temporary fill if the drug they were taking before they joined our plan isn’t covered.
- Existing members get a transition fill if a drug they’re currently taking isn’t going to be covered on the Mercy Care Advantage formulary in the new plan year.
TOC communication
- Members who receive a transition fill for a drug receive a letter explaining the drug was filled under the transition-of-coverage process.
- The prescribing provider will also receive notification.
- The letter explains the action required for the member to receive plan approval for their existing drug or how to switch to another drug covered on the formulary.
This one-time temporary fill gives the member an opportunity to work with their doctor to decide if they:
- Need to continue on their current drug to avoid disruption in treatment
- Can get a prescription for another drug on the Mercy Care Advantage formulary
If members need to stay with their existing prescription, follow the instructions to submit a request to us for review. These instructions follow in the next topic: Coverage determination and exception requests.
We generally cover the drugs on our formulary if they’re medically necessary. You can ask for a Part D coverage determination on behalf of a member.
When you ask for a formulary or utilization restriction exception, you’ll want to include a supporting statement to explain the medical reason.
Need to learn which drugs need prior authorization (PA) or have utilization restrictions? Review our online formulary and prior authorization criteria (PDF).
Ask for a coverage determination or make an exception request
First, verify member eligibility before you provide services. You can check eligibility:
- Online: Log in to your Mercy Care web portal with your credentials.
- By phone: Use our interactive voice recognition (IVR) system (PDF), available anytime. Or contact us for help.
Then, you can ask for a coverage determination or make an exception request:
- Online: Complete and submit the online coverage determination request form English | Spanish.
- By phone: Call 602-586-1730 or 1-877-436-5288 (TTY 711). We’re here for you 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- By fax: Print and complete the coverage determination request form (PDF). Then, fax it with any supporting documentation to 1-855-230-5544.
- By mail: Print and complete the coverage determination request form (PDF). Then, mail it to:
Mercy Care Advantage
Part D Coverage Determination
Pharmacy Department
4750 44th Place, Suite 150
Phoenix, AZ 85040
What happens next
We’ll review the request and make a determination within the time frames Medicare requires. Then, we’ll let you and the member know the decision.
Reminder: To cover a formulary exception, we need your statement that one of these situations apply:
- The member has tried at least two formulary alternatives in the same drug class and the alternatives didn’t work for them
- The medical reason why the member can’t try at least two formulary alternatives in the same drug class
Request for redetermination of Medicare prescription drug denial
If we denied a request for coverage of (or payment for) a prescription drug, members have the right to ask us for a redetermination (appeal) of our decision.
Members (or their appointed representatives) can ask us for a redetermination (Level 1 appeal) within 65 calendar days from the date of our Notice of Denial of Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage.
Providers can ask for redetermination (Level 1 appeal) on a member’s behalf. You can also ask for a fast (expedited) appeal if you believe the standard appeal time frame could seriously affect the member’s health. If we don’t agree, we’ll automatically move the redetermination to the standard appeal process.
Providers and members can submit a redetermination request:
By phone: Providers can call 602-586-1719 or 1-877-436-5288 (TTY 711). Members can call 1-877-436-5288 or 602-586-1730 (TTY 711).
By fax: Print and complete the redetermination form (PDF). On the cover sheet, write: Attn: Part D Appeals-Pharmacy Department. Then, fax it to 1-855-230-5544.
By mail: Print and complete the redetermination form (PDF). Then, mail it to:
Mercy Care Advantage
Attn: Part D Appeals Pharmacy Department
4750 44th Place, Suite 150
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Appeals after Level 1
You can still ask for an appeal on behalf of a member. To do so, the member must make you their representative by completing the appointment of representative form English (PDF) | Español (PDF).
Also known as “Extra Help,” the LIS program helps cover the cost of prescription drugs for people with low incomes who are eligible for the Medicare Part D program.
Mercy Care Advantage plan members typically qualify for Extra Help and receive a copy of the LIS Rider that explains their Part D prescription drug cost-sharing responsibilities.
Here are the 2025 cost-sharing amounts for members who qualify:
- Mercy Care Advantage monthly plan premium: $0
- Mercy Care Advantage yearly deductible: $0
- Copayment amount for generic/preferred multisource drugs: no more than: $0 / $1.60 / $4.90 (each prescription)
- Copayment amount for all other drugs: no more than: $0 / $4.80 / $12.15 (each prescription)
The $0 cost share (copayment) applies to members who:
- Live in a long-term care facility
- Have reached the catastrophic coverage stage of Part D prescription benefit coverage in the current calendar year
Medication Therapy Management (MTM) is a special program you may be enrolled in if you meet certain criteria. The program makes sure your medicines are safe and work well for you. We partner with licensed pharmacists from MedWatchers to provide this service for you at no cost. MTM is about making sure your medicines are safe, helping you understand them better, and making a plan to keep you healthy.
Comprehensive Medication Review and Targeted Medication Review
If you are enrolled in MTM, here's what it means and how it can help you:
- You will receive a letter welcoming you to the program and giving you important information on how to schedule a medication review with a MedWatchers pharmacist.
- During the medication review, the MedWatchers pharmacist will:
- Look at all the medicines you’re taking, even the ones you buy without a prescription.
- Talk to you about why you take each medicine and what they do.
- Ask about any problems you are having with your medicines.
- Make suggestions on ways to save you money, medicines you may no longer need, and what medicines are important to keep you healthy.
- Answer any questions you may have.
- Work with your doctors and other healthcare providers to make sure you are taking the medicines that are best for you.
- This isn’t just a one-time thing. When you are in the MTM program, MedWatchers will keep checking on your medicines regularly to make sure they’re still right for you. And if anything changes with your health, they will make recommendations to adjust your medicines as needed.
Program Eligibility
This program is only available to you if you meet certain criteria. For 2025, you must meet all of the following to be enrolled:
- You are likely to spend more than $1,623 in 2025 on Part D prescription medications
- You are taking 8 or more maintenance Medicare Part D drugs on a regular basis
- You have 3 or more of the following conditions:
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Bone Disease/Arthritis (including osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis)
- Chronic congestive heart failure (CHF)
- Diabetes
- Dyslipidemia
- End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
- Human immunodeficiency virus/Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
- Hypertension
- Mental health (including depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other chronic/disabling mental health conditions)
- Respiratory Disease (including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other chronic lung disorders)
OR, you can also qualify for the MTM program if you are an at-risk beneficiary (ARB) enrolled in a Drug Management Program (DMP).
Contact Us
If you have received an MTM welcome letter or have any questions about the MTM program, please call us at 1-877-637-5299. You should also keep a current list of your medications handy when talking with any healthcare providers. Here is a blank copy of a Medication List (PDF) for you to print and fill out.
We are committed to ensuring you have the best information and the latest technology and tools. So we’ve partnered with CoverMyMeds® and SureScripts to provide a new way to request a pharmacy PA through the ePA. You can look forward to:
- Saving time: Less paperwork, fewer phone calls and faxes for PA requests
- Quicker determinations: Reduced average wait times with resolution often in minutes
- A secure process with HIPAA compliance
Easy start with no cost for ePA
- Getting started is easy and costs nothing. Choose how you’d like to enroll:
- Visit the CoverMyMeds website or call 1-866-452-5017
- Visit the SureScripts website or call 1-866-797-3239
ePA details you may need
- BIN: 610591
- Group: RX8803
Questions about part D coverage determinations, exceptions or appeals?
Call us at ${MCA_MS_phone_1} or ${MCA_MS_phone_2} (TTY 711). Choose option 2. We’re here for you 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week.