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What is workforce development?

What is workforce development?
This is our investment in you, and it’s a “win-win” opportunity. For you, it means skills growth and career development. For us, it means better care and service for our members. And we believe it creates better health outcomes.
We value collaborative, transparent knowledge-sharing. And we’re committed to providing you with effective, high-quality training.
Experienced professionals make up our training team. We change or update our offerings and teaching styles to meet the roles, duties, operations, regulations and needs of those in our programs. You can choose from scheduled face-to-face trainings, scheduled conference-call trainings, and self-directed technology-based trainings.
Our Workforce Development Training and Resource site has valuable content about:
Working with our dedicated Workforce Development department
Physical health courses for behavioral health providers (not available in Relias)
We’ll continue to work with you to develop more courses. Have a question or suggestion for a course? Email us anytime. Just give us 1 to 5 business days to reply.
Types of training
- Required Medicaid course tracking for some provider types: Some behavioral health organizations with certain provider types must track course completion through Relias.
- Required Mercy Care Advantage model of care training: Providers must complete this training within 90 days of contracting and then, annually.
Workforce development: Stay up to date with your behavioral health education. Email us to learn more and find out if you qualify for these trainings. We can also help you register with Relias, the education provider.
Network Management: Join a webinar to learn about our workflows, policies, procedures and other topics of interest. Can’t make it to the latest webinar? No problem. We record them so you can watch at your convenience.
Computer-based training: Choose from several different topics. We’ll provide an attestation for providers to get credit for taking these courses.
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Back to Basics: Stay current on your AHCCCs training.
Other presentations: Watch this page for other trainings that can enhance your education.
Required training
All ACC-RBHA and ACC-RBHA with SMI behavioral health organizations must track their staff course completions of the mandated statewide training requirements through Relias, the Statewide Learning Management System. This is a contractual requirement for these provider types:
- 39 Habilitation Provider
- 77 Behavioral Health Outpatient Clinic
- IC Integrated Clinic
- A3 Community Service Agency
- A6 Rural Substance Abuse Transitional Agency
- B7 Crisis Services Provider
- B8 Behavioral Health Residential Facility
- B1 Level I Residential Treatment Center Secure (IMD)
- 78 Level I Residential Treatment Center Secure (non IMD)
- B2 Level I Residential Treatment Center Non-secure (non-IMD)
- B3 Level I Residential Treatment Center Non-secure (IMD)
- C2 Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)
- 29 Community/Rural Health Center (RHC)
Perhaps your agency isn’t on the previous list? If not, but you contract with one or more of the provider types on that list, you also have the contractual requirement if you are a:
- B5 Sub Acute Facility (1 to 16 Beds)
- A5 Behavioral Health Therapeutic Home
- BC Board Certified Behavioral Analyst
- 85 Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
- 86 Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT)
- 87 Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
- A4 Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor (LISAC)
Next steps
You’ll want to set up an account under the Arizona Association of Health Plans (AzAHP) and complete a one-time implementation fee of $1,500. You can email Mercy Care Workforce Development to get started and ask questions. Or check Chapter 100 of your provider manual under “Requesting Relias Access for newly contracted Providers.”
Mercy Care Advantage Model of Care Training (PDF)
The model of care (MOC) for the MCA Dual Special Needs Plan (DSNP) offers an integrated care management program with enhanced assessment and management for our dual-eligible enrollees. A comprehensive and integrated model of care results from a combination of factors we designed to meet member needs:
Oversight committees
Provider management
Care management
Coordination efforts
Network providers who routinely treat our dual-eligible enrollees have an important role in assisting with the objectives of the MCA model of care. The primary care physician (PCP) is a key member of the MOC Interdisciplinary Care Team (ICT) who helps identify enrollee goals, which services the enrollee needs and works collaboratively with the care management staff, who is the point of contact for all ICT members involved in the enrollee’s care.
Non-network specialty providers have a role in the model of care when an enrollee is referred for specialty services that are not available in network.
Under our Medicare contract, we must implement an MOC and provide ongoing training to health plan staff and network providers who contribute to the effectiveness of the MOC. This training provides education on the:
Elements and goals we’ve established
Role that our network providers play in the delivery of care to our members
Model of care training requirements for providers
Network providers must complete the MOC training within 90 days of contracting and then, annually.
Non-network providers are encouraged to complete MOC training at least annually.
Providers can complete the MOC training online by selecting the link to the MOC training PDF.
Once completed, please click the submit attestation button within the training to complete the required attestation.
Providers may download a copy of the MCA MOC training to complete training with office staff. Please remember to submit the required attestation available within the online training.
Network providers may receive a follow-up communication from us, as needed. We monitor timely MOC training completion to comply with this Medicare DSNP contract requirement.
Optional training
Mercy Care has relationships with several organizations that provide support on various topics. You might use these training resources:
During staff meetings
To supplement face-to-face trainings and enhance the learning experience
As “lunch and learn” topics
To educate members and family members
PsychArmor Institute
This nonprofit organization provides free education and support for all Americans to engage effectively with the military community.
PsychArmor is the only national institute of its kind, dedicated to bridging the military-civilian divide through education. The institute also provides access to mental health experts that are ready to provide support.
Visit PsychArmor to learn more.
PsychHub’s mission is to educate and connect consumers seeking mental health care with practitioners who are trained to treat their symptoms, take their insurance, and are a good cultural fit.
Learn more about PsychHub.
Continuing medical education (CME) at® has provided a range of free continuing education for more than a decade. You can find activities that meet your CME requirements. The easy-to-use web portal makes finding courses and tracking required credits simple.
The site is a division of Relias Media, a Relias Company, trusted for more than 40 years by doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to provide current, evidence-based continuing education designed to improve patient outcomes.
Learn more about
All the AHCCCS Complete Care (ACC) and Regional Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA) plans in the state of Arizona make up the Arizona Association of Health Plans (AzAHP) Workforce Development Alliance (AWFDA). This includes:
Arizona Complete Health
Banner University Health Plans
Care 1st
Health Choice Arizona
Mercy Care
Molina Health Care
United Healthcare Community Plan
Together, these plans act as a single point of contact for reference and direction for the shared provider network. This Alliance is dedicated to working with Relias, AHCCCS, health care providers, members, and communities as a whole, to drive long-lasting and effective changes in workforce development and member outcomes.
To achieve this vision, they work collaboratively as seven separately established health plans to assist the provider network in the transition from a prescriptive and compliance-based system, to a more autonomous, integrated, and competency-based system.
The mission of AzAHP Workforce Development Alliance (AWFDA) is to evaluate, monitor, and support the development of the capability, capacity, connectivity, culture, and commitment of our provider workforce.
Mercy Care providers can find events and training that serve your practice and our members.
Upcoming events
Watch this space for upcoming events.
Ongoing events
TBI & Domestic Violence Primary Care Provider Course - May 2022 to 2025
Autism Spectrum Disorder Training for Health Professionals (PDF)
Arizona's Military Veteran Resource Navigators - AHCCCS Training (PDF)
Developmental Screening and Fluoride Varnish Training (PDF)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) provider guide (PDF)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) provider webinar
To view previously presented Provider Relations webinars, you can click on the corresponding link:
- Mercy Care 101: Provider training
- Mercy Care 101: Network Management Mailbox
- Mercy Care 101: New provider in-service
- Mercy Care 101: Member-related information
- Mercy Care 101: Claims overview
- Mercy Care 101: Arizona Association of Health Plans (AzAHP)
- Mercy Care 101: AHCCCS overview
- Mercy Care 101: Additional information and final thoughts
- 2023 Provider HEDIS webinar: HEDIS 2023 What Is Required of Providers (PDF)
- 2023 Provider HEDIS webinar: Annual Wellness Visit (PDF)
- 2023 Provider HEDIS webinar: Gaps in Care (GIC) (PDF)
- 2023 Provider HEDIS webinar: Year Round Medical Record Review (YRMRR) (PDF)
- 2023 Provider HEDIS webinar: Caring for a Member with Diabetes (PDF)
- 2023 Provider HEDIS webinar: Colorectal Cancer Screening (PDF)
- 2023 Provider HEDIS webinar: Flu vaccines (PDF)
- 2023 MCA Provider HEDIS webinar: Transitions of Care (PDF)
- 2024 Cultural Competency webinar: Language Access Services Overview (PDF)
- 2024 Cultural Competency webinar: Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) Overview (PDF)
Personal medicine is a deeply transformative, powerful healing practice that helps people connect with the healer inside themselves — their inner resilience. It’s just as important to recovery as any medication. Personal medicine is what we do, not a pill or other drug we take. Anyone can claim their own personal medicine — it’s here for all of us.
Personal medicine:
- Supports recovery-oriented practice
- Is evidence-based
- Increases activation, which leads to more robust health outcomes
The practice of personal medicine meets SAMHSA’s criteria for recovery-based practice and the core competencies of peer support. Extensive research shows that people who use personal medicine over time are more activated in their self-care, which leads to better health outcomes.
Pat Deegan & Associates (PDA)
Patricia Deegan, PhD, developed the recovery model in behavioral health treatment. Diagnosed with schizophrenia as a teenager, she went on to get her doctorate in clinical psychology. Today she leads PDA, a company run by and for people in recovery.
Dr. Deegan developed personal medicine as part of the recovery model. PDA has trained thousands of people as certified personal medicine coaches (CPMCs) around the world.
“Illnesses don’t recover; people do.”
- Pat Deegan
Personal medicine and service planning
Personal medicine is an effective addition to a member’s service plan. CPMCs coach people to discover their own unique personal medicine. Once they do, they empower themselves to let go of the idea that they’re the “problem.” Instead, personal medicine helps people recognize that they’re part of the solution to their own recovery. They can find the right balance between their own personal medicine and the psychiatric medicine they may use.
Training and certification for Mercy Care providers
Mercy Care has provided funding for providers to have certified personal medicine coaching champions who can train their staff for larger health homes. We’re also providing funding for rehabilitation specialists to become CPMCs. This is for those who work:
- At ACC-RBHA behavioral health homes
- In assertive community treatment (ACT) teams
We’ll also hold CPMC training sessions.
Watch a webinar on personal medicine to learn more. Or check your Provider Manual.
Need more support? Email us about personal medicine.
Clinical education hub
Earn a digital Care Champion badge for your social media platforms
Our clinical education hub includes courses on health equity and related topics. You can access these free accredited courses on demand to earn badges in:
· Culturally Responsive Care
· LGBTQ+ Responsive Care
· Culturally Responsive Behavioral Health Care
When you complete the free, on-demand accredited courses, you’ll earn a Care Champion badge you can share across social media, email signatures and webpages.